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Shipping & Returns

Shipping made easy

Shipping Policy

We will ship your order within two business days for any items that is in stock. For items that are not in stock (please see the product details for that information), it may take up to a week for us to send your shipment.


Our preferred shipping method is Fedex.  

Return &

Exchange Policy

We want you to love your purchases. If you aren't 100% satisfied with your cloths, we do allow you to submit a return for a store credit or an exchange within 2 weeks from the date it was shipped. Please carefully read the guidelines below first.


We manage returns and exchanges on a case-by-case basis to ensure we are taking the best care of each customer's needs. We want our customers to be completely satisfied with their purchases.


We understand that there may be some issues with quality and fit, so we deal with every return and exchange fairly and reasonably. However, due to the nature of our products, we cannot always accept a return.


Returned items must be clean, new, odor-free, unwashed, and have the original tags still attached or be in the original packaging.


All items marked "final sale" are not eligible for return. 


Who pays for return shipping?
If you are returning an item, you are responsible for the return shipping cost. 


What happens if I was shipped the wrong item?
In the unlikely event that we inadvertently shipped incorrect merchandise, please contact us immediately. A photo of the item may also be requested. You will not be charged for the shipping cost of the replacement product.


To return or exchange an item, please to the the Contact Us page and either send us a message or an email.  We will contact you for more details as soon as is possible.

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